The Best Post-Recovery Drinks for Fitness Fans and Hard-Core Athletes

Your drink of choice after a satisfying workout is pretty important, especially if you want to optimize your recovery, avoid dehydration, and restore your energy levels. The point is to replenish lost fluids. How you go about choosing your go-to thirst-quencher may depend on how hard you were hammering and your overall fitness goals. Recover well and consider the following options. Rooibos Tea Rooibos Tea Kick back with a warm cup of relaxing tea. It may not be the first drink you think of post-workout, but tea is an excellent beverage choice for rehydration and recovery, specifically rooibos tea. It’s rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, copper, potassium, and manganese, to name a few. With its high levels of antioxidants, one cup of tea can aid in post-workout recovery. Up the relaxation factor with a tasty cup of rooibos tea infused with CBD—hydration without the high. Coconut Water After a sweaty workout, grab a coconut water drink to replenish. Coco...