How to Better Support Your Fitness Goals in 2020 When You’re Already in Shape

The fresh new year brings a whole set of new adventures to go on and training goals to reach. Our resolutions are made. The slate is clean. Willpower is high. We’re inspired. CBD Drink Mix So, what’s missing? For many athletes, who are already in decent shape, the start of a new year represents hitting it harder, whether it’s in the gym, the pool, or on the slopes. What may be missing, however, is more time chilling out and prioritizing recovery. To help you truly reach your fitness goals and avoid burning out or peaking too soon, it’s time to look at the full picture of your active life. Here are a few tips to help you get there. Set a Goal That Isn’t About Exercise Most everything we do in life involves some type of movement. If you’ve become really great at exercising and burning calories but can’t sit at your desk without experiencing back pain, it’s time to figure out what movements you need to do in order to work at your computer. Even if your back feels great durin...